Black Cats Photograph Just Fine - Even in Low Light

Maybe you're up on cat adoption information or maybe you aren't. If you are then you know that black cats in recent times have been returned from adoption because and I quote "they don't take good photos." Here's the deal, if you're only reason to adopt a cat is to prop up yourself in a selfie then I think an examination of your priorities in life is in order. Now that I've made that statement here's why I love photographing black cats.

Black cats are not always all black. Most of mine are very deep auburn and some are a mix of tabby so in the right light the tabby stripes are visible in auburn and chocolate brown. The smallest girl here is a tabby mix with grey undercoat. She's gorgeous but we really need to groom because of the thickness and length of the fur. (I recommend a regular bristle brush that a person would use.) 

Next - in the right light you will see a literal rainbow in their fur. I'm no expert at reflection and scientific things but the fur will show the colors of the rainbow. One down side to this - the coats on mine seem to love to reflect green and that can look a little strange but it can be adjusted in Lightroom without a problem. 

Lastly don't use a flash. It ruins their natural look. This photo is actually not a good one. Seagal was under my desk behind my computer cable while I was working. My ISO was set incorrectly but for the purpose of this post she looks marvelous. If you have a black cat and a camera keep taking those shots because one day you will have created a great portrait of your best friend.


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