Waste Not - Want Not

A friend was trying to make me more efficient with the advice to only take one or two shots of a subject. His rationale was that most are going to look the same so less shots, less clutter. I tried his advice a couple of times and for the most part, came home unhappy with my trip because I didn't like the photographs. Maybe it's me but a photo can look one way on my camera and completely different on the computer. 

Figuring if I was intended to operate that way my camera wouldn't let me set it for multiple shots. With that being said, I planted myself one evening in the garden and decided my subject here was a very industrious companion and I dedicated myself to way too many 'chipmunk action shots.' Not only was I happy with seeing his different activities up close and personal, I've gone back now several times and processed one that I chose not to process earlier. Each time I smile and that's worth any extra storage on my drive.



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