No Paparazzi - When It Becomes A Quest (At the risk of redundant postings)

Have you heard about photographers who spend years on a subject hoping for 'the shot'? That's me. This bird and I have a game going on. I want a photo that is good enough for a print and he likes to tease me. I must have 100 shots of him having a good time at the feeder but will he give me just one - only one it's all  I want - good and clear shot for a print? Nope. I have spent hours with this bird. I've hid behind trees and in the shrubberies and I've sat motionless for hours in a lawn chair. I've gone to lurking behind a door with it cracked open so we can play. I take a step then stop while he watches or peeks from the other side of the tree. Take another step until I'm doing a strange dance from a distance around the tree. When he's amused himself he flies off laughing at me. This time was close. Maybe in another few years I'll finally have my shot.



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