My Obligatory Barn Photo

There are several photo subjects that I have analyzed to be critical to photo acceptance. This is by no means any criticism of these subjects. I am a technology analyst in regular hours and so I only offer my opinion. (See post regarding realism)

Top 3 subjects for photo acceptance:

1. The water droplet - preferably on a flower 

2. The reflection - I got one coming up that's quality

3. The barn - This should be a barn in a meadow surrounded by misty and reflective landscape (slide the clarity slider down for success). You can hear the cows in the meadow, you can smell the jasmine in the air and everything is in the golden hour.

Well, here's mine. The barn is actually beautiful and well maintained. It is on a crossroads in the valley but one road has been closed for years (don't ask me why because I will go into a rant about municipal road closings, strip mines and other things that are irrelevant). To the best of my knowledge there has been one unfortunate suicide by hanging (may their soul rest peacefully) so it is considered haunted. The other factor is that a pig farmer who may not have been sociable who lived here - who can blame anyone for being who they are?

I spent 2 years and then some before I had to remove some objects such as electric lines etc. because the side view is the best. It's not that it took that long, I just don't have an affinity for barns so I finally got around to it - or maybe the associated spirits told me to finally get it finished. Who knows?


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