Next Weekend - Adding More to the Pour

I don't like to just pour paint. 1. It makes a mess 2. It wastes money. 3. I have no idea how acrylic paint breaks down in the environment but it's probably not good. 4. The results can be fairly random. 5. Usually the design is lost.

I'm not sure how this may turn out but so far it does show some promise. It's definitely going to need more thought.

Excerpts are from my series of short stories called Dead Suburbia that captures the lives of different people over a timeframe of 50 years. It started as a novel but works better in short story format.

As I think back on the writers who influenced me the most it has to be Ray Bradbury. A long time ago I had the idea that I was going to be a writer but things just kept getting in the way. I've decided if I don't make time for it now I probably never will.

Raspberry Man - (excerpt)

Raspberry Man was probably the most quiet of the Valley People. He wasn't very tall and he looked like he would be rather jovial. However, he wasn't. We kids called him Raspberry Man because of the raspberry bushes that grew along the edge of his part of the valley by the woods.

He never picked the raspberries. They were left over from the original farm. All of the neighbors and myself lived on what had been a farm. From the cisterns behind our house, nine houses up the street until you got to the farm house and the barn - these were the Valley People.

Later in my life I would be the person living in the farmhouse and the barn would be torn down.


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